Monday, August 12, 2013

The start of a New Leaf

And so we begin.

I have finally found not one but TWO work out buddies, both whom I hope will stay committed to it...  or at least one of them anyway.  That doesn't mean this will become a diet blog or anything like that, but I will likely track my progress on here as well.

The adventure starts with research.

Pretty much what anybody would do, I think.  Now, I've been looking around on pinterest for helpful tips as well and am willing to try some of them, whats to lose?

My Health and Beauty pin board can be found here.
Please forgive me if there are misinformed pins on there, do let me know.  I'll be monitoring my success with these as well to see what really works.

So far I have it down to a few basic does and donts,

1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Start drinking Green Tea.
3.  Cut down on soda.

That's just a start.

Now, the part that will be difficult is the fact that Im a part time waitress now.  My income depends on tips.  How can I get away from buying a freezer full of Totino's pizzas and a pantry full of Ramen Noodles and Chef Boyarde Ravioli?
So.  Many. Carbs.!
And as they say in the fitness world, "You cant exercise your way out of a poor diet."

I suppose we will just have to wait and see what happens, yes?

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